Friday, September 19, 2008

Not the John McCain we used to know:
Conservatives are beginning to dump him like milk that's gone sour.

With the unveiling of Sarah Palin as John McCain's running mate, there were a number of conservative journalists and commentators who expressed immediately everything from incredulity to shock to outright derision. And then there were those who gleefully whored themselves out to the cause of the GOP's latest desperation tactic, writing fawning, preposterous propaganda that pandered and condescended shamelessly to its readership. You know, par for the course when it comes to lying, fanatical GOP brown shirts...ahem..I meant brown-nosers with no shred of journalistic integrity to uphold in the first place.

With the passage of time, and particularly after the broadcast of her surreal interview with ABC's Charles Gibson -- during which she was revealed to be even more ignorant and dumb than we had feared previously* -- Sarah Palin's stock has continued to plummet, both among quote-ordinary voters-unquote and the more intellectually honestho members of the Republican pundit caste. One by one, each of these conservative journos -- the ones capable of speaking in complete sentences -- have thrown up their hands and admitted that the jig is up, this Palin thing is one pig that just won't fly. Among them:
And now, they're joined by Republican politicians who tell the truth and recognize that it would be insanity to let that crazy woman continue to ruin our lives (I nicked that phrase from Gypsy Sun & Rainbows, [thanks, Gypsy Sun & Rainbows]), let alone sit within a heartbeat of the presidency. Among them:

[Updated 9/21/08]


* And throughout which Palin came across as phony, hollow, opportunistic and dishonest. Not to mention self-centered, but we already knew that in spades.


Anonymous said...

Wow. i hadn't watched that Gibson interview yet. His tone of voice was hilarious! It was so die-sounding. Great questions. I'd rather have my mom run for president. Oh Fuck me!

This shit is ridiculous

Anonymous said...

GIBSON: What insight into Russian actions, particularly in the last couple of weeks, does the proximity of the state give you?

PALIN: They're our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.


Anonymous said...

oh I meant to say Gibson's voice was so dire-sounding no die-sounding.

Anonymous said...

I meant to say not, not no.

cft said...

Yeah, Gibson I thought did a good job. When I heard that he was to conduct the interview, I wasn't especially reassured. Not sure why; I just couldn't picture him really asking difficult questions.

But apparently, he had previously done an interview with John McCain in which he just lobbed a bunch of softballs, for which he had been widely criticized. He didn't push her as far as he maybe could have on certain questions, but I think that was smart, because her responses were so absurd and obviously rehearsed. Many questions she didn't even come close to asking: he gave her plenty of opportunities, and she's the one who was responsible for digging her own grave. Or rather the GOP is, because she's just such an embarrassment....