Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hitchens, why don't you fly your bloated, jowly, neocon-dick-sucking face back to the parochial isle whence you came, you fucking limey twit turncoat?

I hate it when this formerly admirable journalist sounds off about something of which he has no right to step within 100 yards: namely, the kind of presidential campaign Barack Obama is conducting or should conduct or shouldn't conduct. And much of the reason for this is that Hitchens lacks a subtle, historically grounded, and socially conscious understanding of the peculiarities of American race relations.

He also suffers increasingly from a lack of subtlety more generally. That's right, Hitch has been painting with a broader and broader brush as he has aged. Which makes it seem likely that he's been thinking less precisely as his faculties continue to fail him in his drift toward the frailty of old age. Remind you of someone?

Chris "Twit" Hitchens is responsible for an incoherent mouthful of Republican propaganda in today's Slate, which is called: "Is Obama Another Dukakis? Why is Obama so vapid, hesitant, and gutless?"

Immediate questions that come to mind: Like Dukakis, how, exactly? "Vapid, hesitant, and gutless" in relation to what? According to what metric?

Hitchens's article provides nothing in the way of answers to these questions. That's because his article is a mere provocation. It's a mercenary job. One of his Masters called him up and said, "Hey, Hitch, d'ya mind assaulting Obama with one of those unspecific, insinuative, wishy-washy character assassination pieces you do so well? You know, the kind where you fail to provide a clear point of reference, or context of any kind, but instead engage in a kind of verbal jousting match with a fictitious opponent of your own devising? Just to help us with our numbers. Thanks a lot. Yours truly, Wolfy."

Obama should continue on exactly the track he's pursuing, which is not overstating his case, not pandering and promising lots of treats to interest groups like the BLOATED, FAT, LIMEY NEOCONS FOR BUSH CLUB, and not polemicizing and taking moral umbrage. In the manner, for example, of someone who comes to mind...HINT: he sold out his own democratic socialist values for greater fame, prestige and wealth, and he did so by supporting a war that is an act of colonialism and deceit, in the latter of which he is complicit.

Hitchens has become a Republican stooge, through and through. We haven't forgotten, Hitch. Shut up or go back to the land of tea and scones, where nostalgia for colonialism is still in the air, and where you can practice your polemical brand of atheism -- which everyone knows is really thinly veiled anti-Islam racism -- all day and night in your own private English garden. God save the Queen!


Anonymous said...

So, I've never read "Hitch". So, he used to be better?

cft said...

Yeah; I mean he still has his moments, but he used to be perhaps the finest polemicist on the Left: he wrote a column for a long time in The Nation magazine.

Looking back, there always was something suspiciously militaristic/impetuous/authoritarian about him, but it's hard to complain about it until he changes sides.

What probably sparked his drift Right-ward was the fact that he always hated Bill Clinton, and ended up testifying about something he'd heard from his then-friend Sidney Blumenthal about the Clinton Administration's various tactics for silencing the hoochie-mamas Clinton had played naughty with, before a grand jury or something during the impeachment.

That set the stage somehow for his dislocation from the Dems. Sometime around 2001, he had become friendly with Paul Wolfowitz of all people, and was clearly seduced/flattered by the neocons, and they put him up to becoming an advocate for the cause of war in Iraq, which he still firmly believes was a good and noble thing to do, etc.

He's probably most famous at the moment for his book "God Is Not Great," which is genuinely funny in places. Anyway, now he serves as a polemicist not for the Left, but for "atheism." The thing is, as kick-ass as his atheist shtick can be, it's increasingly clear that what motivates him is a particular opposition to Islam. He has become one of those neoconservative fanatics who things that all politics now revolves most centrally around an inevitable "clash of civilizations" between Western secularism and militant Islam.

What's truly hilarious about this from my perspective is that if there's anything the past eight years of history -- and indeed, the past eight days of history -- has made clear, it's that it really IS all about the money: power, prestige, etc. What's called militant Islam is in fact a very recent phenomenon that is a consequence of extreme poverty/political disenfranchisement. There's nothing "traditional" about it.

Anyway, so Hitch has basically turned into a GOP stooge, even though he's anti-religion, anti-social conservatism, anti-similar bullshit. But, oddly enough, you don't see him complaining about Sarah Palin.

...EVEN THOUGH THERE'S ACTUAL FOOTAGE OF HER ON FUCKING YOU-TUBE GETTING BLESSED BY HER "WITCH-HUNTING" PASTOR AT HER RACIST/ANTI-SEMITIC/CULT-LIKE CHURCH. Seriously! I'm not exaggerating. Check this out, it will shock and disturb you, but it will demonstrate just how horribly we need this Palin bitch to be stopped!!!:

Witch Hunter Anoints Palin

Palin Prays With Witch Hunter

This person should not be allowed within fucking thousands of miles of the Vice-Presidency!!! It's almost unbelievable....