Saturday, February 28, 2009

Jimmy Fallon isn't funny. (In my opinion.)


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. It's about time someone just came out and said it.

cft said...

Thanks. I hesitated to point this out, wondering if I was aiding & abetting needlessly our current 'culture of snark'. But it seems more like common sense than anything. Does anyone think that Jimmy Fallon is funny? You know? Like, can you think of a single friend or acquaintance of yours that LIKES Jimmy Fallon?

Neither can I.

So, either the professional investment bankers who run NBC's parent company just made a huge mistake by giving him his own show, or there is this anonymous mass of people out there that just thinks that Jimmy Fallon is a RIOT.

I mean, really. I'd rather watch the Jimmy Kimmel Show.

Gypsy Sun and Ganja said...

He had some moments on SNL, mostly in those Boston Red Sox fan sketches. However, his body of worked is patchy at best. Still haven't seen that new show. Probably won't end up watching it. With the new digital TV transition thing, regular non-cable has some new channels and its actually pretty sweet. MeTV has all old shows and they show Alfred Hitchcock Presents, The Untouchables (with Robert Stack), and I have even gotten into the Dick Van Dyke show (he's a pretty goofy dude). Also, PBS has some extra channels for more opportunities to watch History Detectives, Nature, Simply Ming, and Yan Can Cook. I'm watching all of that shit instead of Fallon.

I think more chicks like Jimmy Fallon. I bet Emily Dempsey is a fan and she usually has decent taste in comedy entertainment.

There's a new channel called ThisTV, and all they play is pretty much bad 80's action movies and I must say it is AWESOME. . .like the pizza in Drugechusettes.

Also, just so you know, we are still reading your politics stuff. I personally can't muster enough energy to respond. But I am waiting for Part two of the atheist piece.

Gypsy Sun and Ganja said...

and that picture of R. Emmanual is FUCKING HILARIOUS

cft said...

Gypsy Sun and Ganja said...

and that picture of R. Emmanual is FUCKING HILARIOUS
I'm happy you agree!

Still haven't seen that new show.Without setting out to do so, I actually did see part of an episode a couple of weeks ago, and to my astonishment, it wasn't bad. I've become too much of an old man to stay up late enough to watch television at that hour, but it seems as though Fallon has routine somewhat. I'm sure he's still irritating, but maybe my expectations were so low that encountering any redeeming qualities was bound to give me a good impression.

The key thing is, I think, that his "house band" is THE ROOTS. Which is both unexpected and awesome.

Also, just so you know, we are still reading your politics stuff. I personally can't muster enough energy to respond. But I am waiting for Part two of the atheist piece.Well I appreciate that, & I think it's cool that there are more people that read this stuff than I realized, but honestly, not getting any feedback really just starts to make it to tiring and time consuming to keep doing it all the time. It's just having a conversation with myself, only with a few other people watching, and there's just something kind of fundamentally weird about that.

Having said that, I think: (1) my writing style on this blog, especially when I'm worked up about something, tends to be so pedantic, sarcastic and sometimes savage that it makes perfect sense that people wouldn't be falling over themselves to join in the discussion. And

(2) I've found myself realizing that with some people, Gypsy Sun for instance, I haven't had a normal human conversation with the person in maybe over a year...I do plan on posting part 2 of my character assassination of Sam Harris at some point soon (not that Harris's character needs anyone's else's help in this department), but I'm more likely simply to just pick up the phone and call somebody so that I can say hi to him at the same time...

Anyway, later....