Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Jon Stewart sticks it to the bastards of cable news, scoring one for Michelle Obama, common decency.

I don't have cable, but even the fragments of this show that I catch now and again make me feel better about living in a world populated by dumb, fat, re- and unreconstructed racist fucks, and the TV executives who court their ratings by paying salaries to mouth-breathers like Chris Matthews.

I know, I shouldn't let it bother me. But I just want Obama to win so badly (just picture how colossally fucked this country will be if McCain wins!), and Michelle is such a kind-hearted, genuine, humble, strong, intelligent, graceful and stylish person that the idea of shrill-voiced, hick-talking, inbred AM talk-show host goons calling her mean names just makes me want to smack them in addition to all of the other lying, hateful, Cheetos-eating, fat motherfuckers that serve as brownshirts in the GOP civilian-Gestapo. Where'd they learn their fucking manners from, anyway?

Wow. I should go run a couple of laps or something. Anyway, the point is that Jon Stewart is great and is the funny and is sometimes even my savior. In the meantime, enjoy this fabulous clip...

From The Daily Show, broadcast on August 26, 2008:

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